The Exhibition of the Outstanding Architect Award 2023 : "Expressing via Tectonics" is dedicated to exploring the design of the exhibition space with a focus on tectonics. Our approach involves utilizing commonplace construction materials, including hollow bricks, wired metal mesh, steel angles, lumbers, and aluminum boards, to construct the display space. Each component is deliberately chosen and assembled, taking into account the distinctive characteristics of the materials. This meticulous assembly ensures optimal functionality and a seamless integration of the materials. The straightforward combination of these materials is aligned with their inherent qualities and construction methods, creating a composition that resonates with the philosophy of the current OAA recipient, Architect Kuo Chun Pei. This method reflects a deep respect for materials and the principles of tectonics.
Exhibition of the Outstanding Architects Award 2023 - Chiayi

第十八屆傑出建築師獎特展:以構造表述,期許以構造為題回應展場空間設計。我們運用建築工地常見的空心磚 / 點焊鋼絲網 / 角鋼 / 木角料 / 鋁板打造展示空間。思考各自材料的物質特性,組構後讓其恰如其分的發揮作用。水平的木角料支承著輕質的折邊鋁板,下方藉由空心磚穩定壓重;重複格狀的點焊鋼絲網從不起眼的工地配角,化身成為展覽視覺主角,結合掛件組構成一實用的展示系統。簡易的材料組合,順應材料本質與施工構築的方式,期望呼應本屆傑出建築師獎得主:郭俊沛建築師的作品,對於材料與構造的充分尊重,亦回應展覽主題:以構造,表述展覽。
Exhibition of the Outstanding Architects Award 2023 - Chiayi
The Exhibition of the Outstanding Architect Award 2023 : "Expressing via Tectonics" is dedicated to exploring the design of the exhibition space with a focus on tectonics. Our approach involves utilizing commonplace construction materials, including hollow bricks, wired metal mesh, steel angles, lumbers, and aluminum boards, to construct the display space. Each component is deliberately chosen and assembled, taking into account the distinctive characteristics of the materials. This meticulous assembly ensures optimal functionality and a seamless integration of the materials.
The straightforward combination of these materials is aligned with their inherent qualities and construction methods, creating a composition that resonates with the philosophy of the current OAA recipient, Architect Kuo Chun Pei. This method reflects a deep respect for materials and the principles of tectonics.
Chiayi, Taiwan