An independent medium of self-expression, ZINE, is filled with diverse methods and passion for creativity. By providing nests and corners for reading, ZINE finds a new sanctuary for its liberated soul. In the exhibition, two book houses are constructed, offering exhibition participants a corner for reading and a chance to pause, allowing them to rediscover the internalized act of reading. The exterior material of the book houses is specially made using magazine pages, showcasing the versatility of the medium itself.
My Zine

My Zine
An independent medium of self-expression, ZINE, is filled with diverse methods and passion for creativity. By providing nests and corners for reading, ZINE finds a new sanctuary for its liberated soul.
In the exhibition, two book houses are constructed, offering exhibition participants a corner for reading and a chance to pause, allowing them to rediscover the internalized act of reading. The exterior material of the book houses is specially made using magazine pages, showcasing the versatility of the medium itself.
Photo credit
Taipei, Taiwan
Tien Tien Circle